Subah ho gayi mamu!

Exactly the feeling I experienced when I walked out of the auditorium on Saturday.

Anyone who has even for once asked me my aim in life has always got a very long and detailed answer. Because I have never wanted to do only one thing with my life. And I’m pretty sure I’m capable of doing all the things I intend to do.

But Saturday, the 12th of July has managed to turn my aim into my passion…because while attending what was supposed to be a seminar for animation lovers, I learnt the lesson of my life. Quite simply put – time is running out. Each new day is one step closer to my end. And the best part is – that’s no reason to mourn. “If tomorrow never comes” – is not an apprehension anymore. It is just the driving force TO DO NOW. The reminder of how precious today is. The realization that I am alive.

Yes, on the 12th I fell in love with the film-making process yet again. And I have to thank Mr. Prosenjit Ganguly for opening my eyes to a new me! Never before was the essence of life so simply put. Never before have I seen a person so engrossed in his love-affair with animation film-making that he makes it a contagious disease.

Thank you Mr. Ganguly… thanks a ton for making me realize that’s its already time to wake up. And thanks also to Arena @ 105 Park Street for bringing this turning point so early in my life.

Life, here on will be a very pleasant journey… because from this point onwards, I’m in control of it!


Unknown said…
getting to know what to do is one thing and doing it well or doing it at all is another. So, "subah ho gayi mamu" is fine but as my guru Ferris Bueller used to say: "Life moves pretty fast. Once in a while you have to stop and take a look around, or you will miss it completely"

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