
She was bless every child who came to wish her Good Morning...she was there...bringing the busy  Sealdah traffic to a halt on her trademark white scooter...she was there...praying for our calm minds and steady hands before our exams...she was listen to every thing we had to say..always. Words fail me as I try to put my thoughts down...about this lady who has touched my life in a way that probably she herself will never know. She pushed me forward when all I wanted was to hide behind the curtains. If she hadn't, that's where I would have remained. Words..cannot express my feelings as I sit to write about the one woman I have loved, admired, respected and tried to emulate in my own little ways since the time I have known her closely. From owning up to mistakes, to accepting responsibility, to being honest to myself...I have learnt it from her. I cannot imagine school without Sister Cyril. She was..and she will be...the very foundation of this institution that has shaped my life. The spirit never goes away...!

- for Sister Cyril...people like her never retire... :)


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