Customary. Well, almost...
Once in a while, a New Year starts a few days in advance.
Life tells you, that it's time to embrace change. You might realise it late, put it into action even later than that, but the process has started already.
This was a year when I finally had the courage to meet myself again. It took me eighteen years. Was it scary? Yes. Scary as hell. Scary because I believed that most of the people I know, only know about the girl I have been for the past eighteen years. And quite a few of these people used to like me. I was scared of losing that. And I did. I lost people who used to like that girl a lot. Either they went, or I moved away. I was scared of stepping out of that comfort zone (even if inside, it made me cringe with discomfort).
Did I ever mention that I hate making choices? Well, 2016 made me. And I don't regret it.
So here's my list of what I learnt in 2016...
It's absolutely alright to make mistakes. In fact, its probably the best thing you can allow yourself to do. Because there's nothing else that helps you grow. And so, I grew.
It's ok to fall apart with people. Not everyone belongs to your world. Not everyone should. And so, I let go.
It's not your fault always. No matter what people say, (What people say, doesn't matter. The only thing that does, is what your heart is telling you.) And so, I listened.
If no one else pampers the child in you, do it yourself. You owe it to her. (or him) And so, I hugged her.
It's a great gift you have if you love to give. Give. A lot. Giving to the world does not mean you need to deprive yourself. And so, I stopped being partial.
Love is unconditional. People who love you will embrace who you are, and not who you think you should be. And so, I counted my blessings. (Yes, I saved the most important lesson for the last.)
Once in a while, you get the feeling that life has come a full circle. That is how I feel on this last day of a year that will always remain very close to my heart.
Happy New Year! :)
P.S. Did I mention what I chose? Well, this year, I chose me. And yes, I don't regret it.
i can only hope i am not one of the people you let go of!