Words that woke me up this morning!
If you’re lucky, you will have this one person in your life, who will always put you before themselves. Yes, these idiots exist. They give so much that you will never be able to doubt their love for you, but you still will. You will question their love, and their feelings and their faith over and over again. And every single time, they will break themselves to prove the truth in their words, wait patiently for your validation and continue to love you like they did, or more. They will worry themselves sick when you are unwell, yet you won’t know if something’s wrong with them because it doesn't really matter. They will get over excited before all your special days and go beyond themselves to make you feel loved and wanted, when you will be too busy enjoying yourself with people that matter to you. Too busy to notice their efforts, too busy to spare a moment for them. And yet, they will repeat the same thing the next year, and the year after, trying to improve themselves, looking for that one glance of appreciation that may, or may not come their way. And you will try to make some time on their special days, and mostly fail. Because, there are many more important things in your life, or you are just not in the mood, and you cannot really fake it. Or even more importantly, you’ve had a tiff with someone special to you, on that very day, and you are just not up to it. And they will understand, every year, and wait for the next year to be better. You will tell them things that you know will hurt them, and if they’re hurt, you will also tell them that they are over-reacting.
They will keep their evenings free for the one day you may agree to meet them, and offer to reach wherever it is easier for you. But that call or text will never come. They will wait for your promise to return their calls all day and all night, while you will simply forget that they are waiting. They believe your promises, each word you speak, even though you break them over and over again. They long for that one day when “things will get better” just like you said. Because, you said it. That day, however, will not come. Just like the texts, and the calls. They will accept you the way you are so wholeheartedly, that their pain will become invisible to you. You will notice everything and everyone else in the world, but them. At every point in your life, there will be at least one more person whose existence, problems, sadness, affection and joy will be way more important than this person’s. Never mind that there is no one more important than you for them. In your heart of hearts you know that there is a limit to how much you are willing to give to this person. And it is very little compared to what you can do for anyone else. You know it. But you feel guilty admitting to it. Only because they love you too much. And its their fault anyway. You've never asked them to love you like this, have you?
But, if you are ever in the mood, and can spare the time, and feel like doing them a favour, pick up the phone and tell them that you won’t give them anything. Stop promising them the world, because they believe you. And they will wait for you, forever. They will wait even when they see how you make things happen for everyone else around you. They will wait because you told them you will try. Tell them that you won’t.