I have some questions.

Oh yes I do.

a) For everyone who's asking how a movement like #MeToo can be truly inclusive - Why not? What are you doing to make it inclusive instead of asking questions like this? Do you know organisations/people who are working with women who are currently unheard? What are you doing to connect them to the movement?

b) For everyone who's accusing this movement to be a phase that will soon pass - Why? What are you doing to ensure it doesn't?

c) For everyone who's worried that people will use this platform for personal vendetta - Do you think sexual harassment is an illusion? If yes, stop reading and go back to what you were doing before; if no, why would anyone like to imagine themselves be violated? Wouldn't the percentage be really less compared to the volume of truth? Would you use such platforms only to get attention? Why are you assuming others would? What are you doing to ensure it doesn't become that?

d) For everyone who's scared that talking to women is going to get tough after this - What kind of people are you? What language do you use to communicate?

e) For everyone who's read so far - Do you notice the one thing common in all the questions? YOU.

You can make or break this movement. You decide which side you're on. You are key. Each and every single one of you.

Will you take responsibility? 


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