Older, Wiser?

The shine will dim some day,
The new won't be so new.
The pull, the attraction, the mystery
Will all reduce.
You will then suddenly remember
The old.
Lying forgotten, somewhere, in some corner.
You'll find her, pick her up with love.
You'll caress, you'll say you are sorry
For forgetting.
The old forgives. Always.
Because she loves unconditionally.
The old knows she doesn't attract you,
She still stays. Because what she feels
Is beyond attraction.
The old knows, that its a matter of time
When you'll find someone new again,
And run towards them, blinded by the shine.
The old knows, that its a matter of time
Before she is forgotten again.
Yet, the old will stay,
For the phases between each new,
Is dedicated to the old.
And honestly, she lives for them.
Making space for the new,
Again, and again and again.


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