My favourite love story!
Its been a while since I've outgrown the excitement of birthdays. But this is my birth month and I turn 35 this year, so I'm officially stepping into my late thirties. And that's why I thought, this is the perfect time to share a story.
A love story, to be precise. The story of an extremely stubborn, creative and jovial fellow and an extremely stubborn, beautiful and studious girl. My father and my mother. Chalk and cheese (except the stubbornness). My father could hail taxis on the opposite side of the road by shouting from the third floor of the house inside the lane. My mother's voice was hardly ever heard. My father was an extrovert, with friends from all age-groups. I can count the number of friends my introvert mother has on a few fingers of one hand. My father was ever mischievous and my mother, the quintessential good girl. My father wore his heart on his sleeves, my mother, inexpressive.
And yet, it was always so evident that if my father was the life of our lives, my mother was his. That they loved each other deeply was always so visible in every action, that they respected each other even more was crystal clear. Their love is something we grew up in awe of. They never fought in front of us sisters. They were so fun to be around! So in sync with each other, always.
When complications arised in their love story, my mother had run away from him and enrolled herself into Miranda House in Delhi for her graduation. The day she came back, three years later, he met her with her favourite 5 Star chocolates and everyone's permission for their marriage. They weren't in touch for those three years, they probably didn't even need to.
I still remember the look on my father's face when he quietly stared at my mother from a distance. Or the lovestruck eyes when he'd whisper, "your ma's prettier than Madhuri Dixit." Or his honest confession of being partial towards me because I resemble her a little.
I hear absolute pride in her voice when my mother talks about his creative genius. Her affection so obvious when she narrates his mishievous stories. Her love so sure even after 21 years without him, when she says she's had her great love story and doesn't need another.
Their's is my most favourite love story of all time. Not just because they're my parents, but because I've had the privilege of growing up in the shelter of this love, and seeing how it strengthens people to fight against all odds. Not to mention that they're the reason why I'm here. And the reason that I have my sister, whom I love to death.
Do you know they met because my father came to help Kidyzone organise their annual cultural programmes? He came to meet my grandmother (the founder Principal) to offer his help with directing the children's show, and I guess his life changed direction thereon. A stranger became family.
Would it be wrong to say then, that I exist because of this primary school in the heart of north Kolkata? It wouldn't. And so, I'm asking for your support towards this school that's struggling to survive the economic impact of this pandemic. I am so grateful for everyone of you who've come forward and responded to my previous appeals. But we still have a long way to go.
To help the place where my parents' love story started recover from the crisis, I'm sharing a link below. Would you help me bring this school back on track?
[In frame, the lovebirds, pregnant with me!]